All posts by howard

Questions Occur


Questions Occur

Are spontaneous
What is it we celebrate?
Is it something moral;
Something that will arouse
Those who peer at us
from around the corner?
to undeniable praise?

I look at our tribal sculpture
It pleases me
But will they like it
or will it make them shudder?

It is of an almost naked compatriot
In one hand he holds an axe
In the other is the head of an enemy
he has severed. I do not say
that is pleasant
Though it is justified
and his body is twisted in exaltation.

Questions Occur

Are spontaneous
What is it we celebrate?
Is it something moral;
Something that will arouse
Those who peer at us
from around the corner?
to undeniable praise?

Our sculptor does many pieces
of a similar nature
to show his international fervor
his intellectual diversity
He recently offered me
a chess set with similar pieces.

I think, that because of the nakedness
of his portrayals, art connoisseurs
from other countries may be critical.
When I said, I am therefore somewhat hesitant
to show them, he laughed.
He said, “Look at Michelangelo.
We are really like brothers.”

For the moment I shrug my shoulders
People are not so different
If I like it, they may also.

He recently offered me
a chess set with similar pieces.

I think, that because of the nakedness
of his portrayals, art connoisseurs
from other countries may be critical.
When I said, I am therefore somewhat hesitant
to show them, he laughed.
He said, “Look at Michelangelo.
We are really like brothers.”

For the moment I shrug my shoulders
People are not so different
If I like it, they may also.

Art is the Essence