Lost again. Not knowingwhether one’s trivial meanderings
are to be of consequence, or if these arch high passageways are the mere and ornamental branches in a queen’s garden; Lost again. As if one once more were naive and younger and without the fickle encumbrances of wisdom; a being given choices, taking the most arbitrary of directions, actions a priori to contemplation, one horizon as deeply, beauteously blue as another, each one so close, so touchable; though imaginary. Still, to be lost, with insufficient awareness of relationships, of one’s genetic proximity to another’s, without sustainable, or reasonable, justifications for one’s existence. It makes one cease all physical motion mid stride, calls out for truce in which turbulence at least is temporarily discontinued, asks immediately for a mirror to one’s wondering as to who truly is the stranger, the outsider-alien-intruder who has wandered in without a clue or a clasp-knife even to defend his integrity. Or who, on the other hand, is the denizen, the Monster, whose listless peregrinations are as unbearably uneasy because he has not yet encountered a victim, a companion, a lover.